Find the ‘’Discord’’ folder and delete it by right-clicking on it and then selecting ‘’Delete’’.Type ‘’%localappdata%’’ in the field and hit ‘’Run’’.Return to the Start menu and load up ‘’Run’’ once more.Right-click on the folder and click ”Delete” in the contextual list. In the Windows Explorer window that opens, locate the folder named ”Discord”.In the small ”Run” window in the bottom left-hand corner, enter ”%appdata%” into the empty field and click on the ”Run” button below.In the contextual menu that just appeared, select ”Run.”.Next, right-click on the Windows start menu icon in the bottom left-hand corner of the desktop.To begin with, close Discord by accessing the Task Manager (right-click on the Taskbar and select ‘’Task Manager’’, then select the Discord process and click on ‘’End Task’’).To do this, simply follow the steps below. To give Discord a clear run at booting up without the javascript error or any other issue for that matter, we need to delete these files. Fix 1: Delete Discord Files In Localappdata & Appdataĭiscord continuously stores temporary data on the PC that helps it to run properly or, in our case, causes errors to crop up.